Flashlights of the Marcuse/Löwenthal Archive

Início do evento
Final do evento
Docente responsável pelo evento
Eduardo Altheman (Pós-Doutorando, Sociologia, USP)
Local do evento
Edifício de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais - Av. Luciano Gualberto, 315 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo-SP
Auditório / Sala / Outro local
Auditório 14
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O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (FFLCH/USP) convida a todos/as/es para a participar da palestra "Flashlights of the Marcuse/Löwenthal Archive. Leo Löwenthal and Herbert Marcuse: Friendship and Critical Thinking as Concrete Utopia", a ser ministrada pelo Prof. Peter-Erwin Jansen (University of Applied Sciences in Koblenz) e pela Prof.ª Inka Engel (University Koblenz-Landau).

A palestra ocorrerá dia 08 de dezembro (quinta-feira), das 16h às 18h, no auditório 14 (Prédio de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, FFLCH/USP) e será ministrada em inglês. Haverá emissão de certificados de participação.

Resumo da palestra: The following lecture will shortly give an overview of documents from the Löwenthal and Marcuse Archive and some information about the 100th anniversary of the Institute for Social Research. Then, it will briefly discuss the works of Leo Löwenthal and Herbert Marcuse, which united them intellectually and academically in their analyses of National Socialism. While rarely addressed in context, this central issue remained part of their shared interest late into their lives. In 1970, Marcuse wrote a political introduction to the American reprint of Löwenthal's and Guterman's Prophets of Deceit. In it, he emphasized the relevance of the arguments contained therein for the America of that time - which has certainly lost none of its relevance in today's political world situation. Using key quotations from the letters between "Herbert the Elder" and "Leo the Wise" published a year ago and the theoretical concept of friendship found in Siegfried Kracauer's text Über die Freundschaft, we will seek to clarify the captured possibilities of a concrete utopia. The friendship between Löwenthal and Marcuse deepened when both were teaching in California, with Marcuse in San Diego and Löwenthal in Berkeley, and lasted until Herbert Marcuse's death on July 29, 1979.

Peter-Erwin Jansen is a philosopher and sociologist who studied with Jürgen Habermas and Axel Honneth at Goethe Universität, Frankfurt. He currently teaches philosophy, history of social movements, social justice, and ethics at the University of Applied Sciences in Koblenz. He is a founding board member of the International Herbert Marcuse Society and main editor of the Herbert Marcuse and Leo Löwenthal archives in Frankfurt.

Dr. Inka Engel works as a science manager in the transfer team at the University Koblenz-Landau. She studied teaching and education and taught at various schools and universities. She is also co-editor of the forthcoming book about Leo Löwenthals unpublished papers on Literature. She is one of the main organizers of the 10th biannual Conference of the 2023 International Herbert Marcuse Society in Frankfurt/Main.

Organizadores do evento: Eduardo Altheman (Sociologia, USP) & Silvio Carneiro (Filosofia, UFABC).
