Relembrando Tagore

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Final do evento
(11) 3091-5041
Docente responsável pelo evento
Laura Patricia Zuntini de Izarra
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11:30 Welcome of speakers and guests by Prof. Laura P. Z. Izarra, Department of Modern Languages,
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, University of Sao Paulo (FFLCH-USP)
11:35 Opening remarks by Ambassador of India to Brazil, Mr. Suresh Reddy
11:45 Remarks by Prof. Paulo Martins, Dean of FFLCH or Prof. Adrián Fanjul, Head of the Department
of Modern Languages (TBC)
11:50 Prof. Amrit Sen. “The Making of a Poet: Tagore and World Literature”, Professor & Former
Head, Department of English at Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan
Chair: Mrs. Puja Kaushik, Director, Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, São Paulo
12:15 Prof. Dilip Loundo (UFJF). “Mística e Estética em Rabindranath Tagore”
Chair: Prof. Laura P. Z. Izarra (Department of Modern Languages/FFLCH-USP)
12:40 Prof. Marcus Wolff (UNIRIO). "Tagore e as tradições musicais indianas".
Chair: Prof. Antonio Menezes (Department of Oriental Languages/FFLCH-USP)
13:00 Closing remarks – Mrs. Puja Kaushik, Director, Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, São Paulo
Para acompanhar o evento, acesse o canal do YouTube do Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre.
Amrit Sen is presently Professor & Former Head of the Department, Department of English at Visva-Bharati,
Santiniketan. Interested in Eighteenth century Studies, Travel Writing, Tagore Studies and the History of Science,
he has won the outstanding research award for his doctoral dissertation, “The Narcissistic Mode: Metafiction as
a Strategy in Moll Flanders, Tom Jones and Tristram Shandy,” published in 2007. Some of his major publications
and edited volumes include Gitanjali: The Centenary Edition (2012), Rathindranath Tagore: The Unsung
Hero (Visva-Bharati, 2013), Rabindranath Tagore and His Circle (Visva-Bharati, 2015), Sharing the Dream: The
Remarkable Women of Santiniketan (Visva-Bharati, 2016 ), Confluence of Minds: The Rabindranath Tagore and
Patrick Geddes Reader on Education and the Environment (Co-edited with Tapati Mukhopadhyay and Bashabi
Fraser, Luath Press, Scotland, 2017), The Scottish Enlightenment and the Bengal Renaissance: The Continuum of
Ideas (Co-edited with Tapati Mukhopadhyay and Bashabi Fraser, Luath, Press, Scotland, 2017) and Santiniketan
for Visitors (Visva-Bharati, 2017) and The Bengali Chemist: Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray and
Postcoloniality (Karigar, 2017) & Basundhara: Rabindrandranath Tagore and the Environment (Visva-Bharati,
2018). He is Joint Coordinator of the UGC-UKIERI project on “The Scotland-India Continuum: Tagore and His
Circle” and the Deputy Coordinator of the UGC-SAP Project on “Rabindranath Tagore: The East-West
Confluence” at the Department of English. Apart from his academic engagements he has also translated and
performed in Tagore’s dance Dramas at national and international programmes. Among his major awards, he
has won the Outstanding Thesis Award by the Government of India, the Research Award by the UGC, the Oxford
Eighteenth Century Bursary and a host of academic recognitions. He has travelled extensively as Project
Coordinator for the UKIERI award to Edinburgh, Scotland, as invited speaker to the University of Oxford and
Twickenham, Tongji University, Shanghai China as has also delivered the Tagore Memorial Lecture at the
Rabindranath Tagore Centre under the Mahatma Gandhi Institute at Mauritius.
Professor Amrit Sen is also presently officiating as the Director of Granthana Vibhaga, the Publication Wing of
Dilip Loundo é Professor do Departamento de Ciência da Religião da UFJF e Coordenador do Núcleo de
Estudos em Religiões e Filosofias da Índia (NERFI-CNPq.). É Doutor em Filosofia Indiana pela Universidade de
Mumbai, Pós-Doutor em Sânscrito e Filosofia Indiana pela Universidade Sânscrita de Karnataka, e Mestre em
Filosofia da Ciência e da Técnica pela UFRJ. Foi Professor Visitante (Shivdasani Fellow) do Oxford Centre for
Hindu Studies da Universidade de Oxford (Reino Unido), e da Faculdade de Línguas, Literatura e Estudos
Culturais da Universidade Jawaharlal Nehru de Nova Delhi. É ex-professor de Filosofia da UFRJ e ex-ocupante da
Cátedra do Itamaraty de Estudos Indo-Brasileiros (Leitorado) na Universidade de Goa. Atua nas áreas de Filosofia
e Religião da Índia, Literatura Sânscrita e Diálogo Intelectual Brasil-Índia, com ênfase nas seguintes temáticas:
(i) Upanisads e Advaita Vedanta; (ii) Brahmanas e Mimamsa; (iii) Budismo Mahayana; (iv) tradição estética na
literatura sânscrita; (v) presença da Índia na literatura brasileira.
Marcus S. Wolff possui graduação em História pela PUC/ RJ (1992), graduação em Música pela UNI-RIO
(1989), mestrado em História Social da Cultura pela PUC/RJ (1993) e doutorado em Comunicação e Semiótica
pela PUC/SP (2004), tendo realizado pesquisa de campo na Índia sob orientação da Profa. Dra. B. Sengupta na
Rabindra Bharati University, Calcutá (Kolkata), entre 2003/2004. De outubro de 2014 a novembro de 2019
desenvolveu um projeto de pesquisa na Universidade do Rio de Janeiro (UNI-RIO), sob a supervisão da Profa.
Dra. Carole Gurbenikoff, sobre a estética do impreciso e do paradoxal elaborada pelo compositor e maestro
Hans J. Koellreutter e atualmente é professor visitante no PPGM da UNI-Rio, onde desenvolve projeto sobre o
pensamento decolonial e seus desdobramentos no campo da música.
