IV Simpósio Internacional sobre Linguagem e Cognição - IV LinCog

Início do evento
Final do evento
Início da inscrição
Final da inscrição
Docente responsável pelo evento
Profa. Dra. Maria Célia Lima-Hernandes
Local do evento
Outro local
Auditório / Sala / Outro local
On line a partir do Instituto Politécnico de Macau (China)
O evento será gratuito ou pago?
Evento gratuito
É necessário fazer inscrição?
Com inscrição prévia
Haverá emissão de certificado?
Haverá participação de docente(s) estrangeiro(s)?

LinCog – International Symposium on Language and Cognition – was initially advocated by the founder of the Language and Cognition Research Group of the School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences (FFLCH) of the University of São Paulo (USP), Professor Maria Célia Lima-Hernandes, a renowned Brazilian researcher in cognitive linguistics. It is an event that has had, since the beginning, great success and reaped fruitful results in terms of the interdisciplinary promotion of research on language and cognition. Its three previous editions, held respectively at USP (10-14/11/2014); the UFF and the USP (21, 23-25/11/2016); the University of Los Lagos (Chile) and the USP (21-22/11/2017).
This year's joint event will certainly provide many interdisciplinary opportunities for borderless dialogue about cognition, language, culture and translation.
